Sunday, April 16, 2017

Week 12 - Smart Projects

Week 12


Image result for bars     We did not have our regularly scheduled class on Tuesday. We had a meeting with Professor Spotts on Monday. The meeting was arranged in order to discuss our Smart Projects and the progress we have made. In our meeting we discovered that we were a bit behind in the process. We were a bit slow to collect our data because it was difficult for us given we are not 21. Our customer would most likely be bars or nightclubs. We are not able to survey bars or nightclubs on our own. So, we had difficulty working with our marketing consulting, Sam, and organizing a time we could bring her to bars and nightclubs. However, between Monday and Thursday we made a considerable amount of ground up and had all of the components to have a worthwhile group meeting on Thursday. We analyzed our data that we did have from patrons and gained a lot of knowledge about our customer. We have a better understanding now of our target market and the behaviors that they exhibit.


Image result for customer behavior     On Thursday, we had a joint class with the engineers. We accomplished a lot in this class period. We took the data that we collected and analyzed and used it to make the engineers in our group aware of what the data meant for our product. We also discussed the before during and after of the experience involved in our product. The before includes deciding to go out and the aspects involved in that. The during is the actual act of drinking and the risks involved in that. The after includes the way in which people get home from where they drink, and the risks involved in that. We also discussed the value proposition of our product. This includes how our product solves the painpoints of the customers. It also shows the specific benefits of our product and also tells our consumers why they should buy from us and not our competitors. We also discussed our buyer personas and our customer discovery. The discussions we had helped us to get a better idea of our customer of our product and how they behave.

Chapter 16

Image result for common advertising appeals     Chapter 16 was not directly assigned to us, however it was the next assignment on the syllabus. So, chapter 16 is largely about advertising and promotions. Advertising, as defined by our book is one-way mass communication about a product or organization that is paid for by a marketer. Advertising could be useful for our Smart Project. It is likely that the type of advertising we would use would be pioneering advertising. Pioneering advertising is a form of advertising designed to stimulate primary demand for a new product or product category. Our product is certainly a new product that does not have a direct competitor in our product category. It would be helpful for us to use this kind of advertising strategy in order to stimulate demand for our new product category. An advertising appeal is a reason for a person to buy a product. Common advertising appeals can be shown here on the right.

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