Sunday, March 12, 2017

Week 8- Mind Map and Smart Projects

Week 8

Image result for survey

Smart Project and Mind Maps

     This week was focused on our Smart Projects. On Tuesday, each group met with Professor Spotts to discuss our projects. We discussed our surveys and also our value proposition canvas. We were provided with some helpful direction that will help us to improve and continue our project. We received direct help on how to organize our surveys and also what kind of questions to add in. We also learned that some of our questions were unnecessary and we had to remove them. On Tuesday we also received a binder with all of our old mind maps in it along with a grade for this half of the semester. We were assigned to create a large mind map for the entire semester thus far over break. I will need to include aspects of everything we have covered and link them together into one large mind map. We also met with our marketing consultant this week. She helped us to fine tune our logo and gave us guidance in other areas as well. 


Image result for product life cycleI was not present in class on Thursday. However, I have learned from my classmates that we discussed Chapter 11 on developing and managing products. A major theme was the product life cycle. The product life cycle goes as shown on the left. Introduction, growth, maturity, and then decline. We were also introduced to the Shark plan assignment in class. I have selected to do my project on Sway Motorsports. 

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