Sunday, January 29, 2017

Week 2- DDP Yoga and Chapter 4

This week we had our joint meeting with the engineering students. During this meeting we selected which bugs would be used for our smart projects. Then, we created our groups and met with them for a bit. My group is the ok to drive project. We will be making a breathalyzer attached to a locker at bars and clubs so that people will need to pass the test before getting their keys and other belongings. I am excited to work on this project with my group.

This week we also looked at our mind maps during class. We went around and looked at everyone's in a gallery setting. We also watched a shark tank episode about the company DDP Yoga. This company wasn't picked by any shark but overall it has been very successful. Their market is anyone who wants to get into shape or wants to workout. It is based around hardcore yoga that makes it more intense. Their product is a yoga exercise video that is being sold online. Their competition includes the many other exercise companies. Their promotion tactics include the story about the man whose live was changed by this product. The youtube video was very popular and attracted a lot of attention towards their product. This shark tank episode relates to chapter four, which we also discussed this week. Chapter 4 was mostly about the environment of marketing and how to be most effective within different groups. DDP yoga figured out that connecting their product with real life stories and showing how the product has changed people's lives is an effective way for them to market.

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